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Massage Techniques to Get Rid of Cellulite

An ancient practice rediscovered

There are times that the modern world has to retreat backwards and borrow from the ancient world some important things that have been ignored and overlooked. The benefits of massage have been praised in ancient literature as far as 2500 B.C when it was practiced in ancient Egypt as well as Greece. Massage does very well in getting rid of cellulite and increasing the general performance of your body.

When conducted well, it will enhance the performance of lymphatic system, which is the waste disposal system of your body so toxins will end up in the correct place. Body massage is also known to increase blood circulation throughout the body and thus nutrients are transported to the extremities and it also relieves muscle spasms and eases tension and has very positive effects on the emotions and other mental faculties.

The benefits of massage

Massage on its own does not treat cellulite but increase circulation and with an enhanced blood circulation all those excess fluids can easily be removed away from the tissues to improve the proper functioning of the cells. The dimpling that is caused by the excess fatty deposit under the skin is also relieved when massage is performed on the affected part of the body.

It may look like it is difficult to massage yourself because you cannot reach some parts like the back, but you will do well in the places that are most affected by the cottage cheese like skin condition such as you thighs and hips. You can buy literature or search the internet to learn the massaging techniques that work. See here 마사지

Advantages of massage

When you begin massaging your self, you will need to learn the techniques involved but then you also need to get the right massaging oils. You can comfortably use any vegetable oils as a massage medium and they include almond, avocado and even grape seed oil. There people who use talcum powder for the procedure but then oil gives you better results and they nourish your skin at the same time.

The advantage of learning to massage your own hips and thighs cannot be over emphasized. Apart from relaxing them and increasing circulation, you have the privilege of feeling the extent of you fatty problem and that will inspire you to keep on to regain your shapely thighs once again.

Simple procedure to do it yourself

You can start learning by doing a feathering technique as it prepares your fingers and you muscles for the massage. After that you follow with lymph drainage but remember to always work towards your lymph nodes which in your legs are in your groin. Learn and keep doing a deep firm massage as well as kneading and wringing strokes as well as pummeling but take care not t bruise yourself or harm your capillaries. Take time to learn this procedure and relax yourself as you deal with cellulite.

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